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bana ulaşmanız için e-mail adresim: serpiljokey@hotmail.com adresine mail atmanız yeterlidir. Saygılarımla Serpil_Jokey
Battle Mages combines tactical strategy, a quality role-playing system and original adventure elements. The game takes place in a classic fantasy world, where different races and nations live side by side. Each has its own culture and traditions, which are carefully guarded from external interference. But none of them realises that soon it will cease to matter. All the old conflicts will seem insignificant in the face of a new global threat that will turn the world upside down. The game is designed in Role Playing Strategy (RPS) form. The large fantasy world of the game is all-sufficient, each unit having its own behaviour. A dynamic quest system contributes to the high replayability of the game. A powerful 3-D engine and dozens of towns and splendid landscapes will give you an unforgettable view of that vivid and lovely world as if you really lived there. Spectacular magic effects and a variety of spells will make you curious about getting more and more experience to gain new spells and watch how they work.
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