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Tek Link İndirmenin Keyfi Tüm Üyelerimiz Faydalanabilir
Arkadaşlar ben sitenizin yeni sahibiyim Moderatör ve yönetici Alımları Başlamıştır Bilginize
bana ulaşmanız için e-mail adresim: serpiljokey@hotmail.com adresine mail atmanız yeterlidir. Saygılarımla Serpil_Jokey
You are responsible for the streets and roads in your city. With so many people in a city, there is always the need for new living space, which has to be opened up with roads. In addition, the residents ask here and there for wider and faster roads. Under certain circumstances you get contracts for plaster work, the creation of pedestrian and bike paths, or the replacement of gas, water and power lines in existing roads.
İşletim Sistemi: Windows XP/Windows Vista İşlemci: 1 GHz RAM: 512 Mb Ekran Kartı: 128 MB HDD: 500 MB